
Art Direction and the Press

by Francesco Franchi

The twenty-first issue of the journal Graphisme en France has been released, published by the Centre national des arts plastiques (Cnap), centred on the subject of Art Direction and the Press.

A collection of remarkable writings from subject matter experts: Véronique Vienne, Angelo Cirimele, Francesco Franchi and Pierre Ponant.


In my essay I present how the art director’s work is organised in relation to editorial, in light of the changes brought about especially by digital tools.

The Centre national des arts plastiques maintains a continual presence beside graphic design’s major players, to provide an ever-growing audience with information to better know these practices, to assume its place alongside authors, distributors and the institutions where graphic designers learn their craft.

Read more on www.cnap.graphismeenfrance.fr

Download Graphisme en France 2015: English version or French version